Hmm. Not really surprising, I've declined on posting about this up to now because the typical course of action in this type of situation is that they have a discussion in the mod forum on what's going to happen with what's happened, and given the few days since it happened (which must have been some time on Wednesday, I didn't even notice until some time after I'd been demodded and I tried to delete some spam thread in C&C and the links were missing), a remodding clearly isn't going to happen (especially now, seeing how that'd clearly be interpreted as breaking "what happens on tour stays on tour").
The amusing thing is that nobody's noticed. I've just checked the last three days worth of posts in general, and assuming that the current mod team hasn't been instructed to kill all discussion on sight (which would be truly pathetic), there's not been a single topic. Not one. I think I've received one PM and one news post comment (since deleted as it was off-topic, sorry Gagsy) on the matter, but apart from that, nothing.
I would like to have thought that the admins of this site would at least have had the decency to send me as much a PM to say "Sorry Jon, you've fucked up, we're going to have to demod you over this". But I've not even received that. I have heard precisely nothing from any of the administrators or moderators of this site since Wednesday. Which, to be perfectly honest, is really surprising, as everyone I've met from the site are among the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. Clearly someone in the admin magic circle has to have made the decision, and it literally takes a minute to relay that on to me privately, but that was obviously too much of a hassle. Especially as I don't really know what precisely drove them over the line - whether it was the junking up of the BBS with random rick topics, the calling out of whoever outside of the mod forum, or whether it was me telling Joe to go and die in a fire for being a massive killjoy.
So what now? Well, I've barely modded over the last year or so. So if I was offered the moderator position back in the future, I'd likely decline as I really don't have the time for it at the moment. The number of moderators that we have right now is excessive as it is, so I see no reason to return. Most of the people who were getting at me in the topic I made in the mod forum that I noticed before being cut off were people I hadn't actually met, and I wouldn't want to go back to having to work with them in the future. I wouldn't be missing anything either, the mod forum's basically a smaller version of general except that all the non-cool kids are barred. And tiger porn that Rucklo requested [edit for clarification - gay tiger porn].
As for the actual site, the BBS is pretty much a hole now. The signal to noise ratio is terrible. Even the social boards on GameFAQs are better than that. If I want to just discuss things, there are thousands of better places to do it. I don't really see any reason to post on the BBS again - next year I may make a topic to continue the best game ever thread for a fourth year, but aside from that there's nothing to add. I'll likely keep visiting Newgrounds in general, might make a few reviews and vote on a few things, but that's about it. May keep the blog up to date with thoughts on things for people that actually want to read what I have to say. Anyone I wanted to keep in communication with from the mod forums I already have on facebook, myspace or can just PM them.
The best thing is that the $900 or so that I had stashed away for a trip over to the next mod meat clearly isn't needed now as I'm obviously not welcome, so I can spend that on whisky. I'm in a really bad transitional period in life right now, and having the extra cash to deal with it is appreciated.
In closing, it's been nice meeting Tom, Wade, James, Bob, Jose, Luis, Stamper, Tim, Sarah, Adam, Steve, Shawn, Paul, Dan, Jerry, Evan, Lin, Jonas, Pox, Aaron, Matt, Jason, avie, and anyone else who I may have randomly met. For the rest of you, go and watch some Rick Astley video or something.
RIP jonthomson the mod, 2004-2007.
[edit - I have read SeizureDog's topic]
I was informed of this by Gagsy last night and I haven't been on the BBS lately so this is quite unhappy news and I've seen you as a great user and mod (probably because I've never been in trouble with you). I would think that because you were slightly in active like you said has contributed to the demodding. I was told that you made a few threads that are usually locked or whatever then had an argument with Joe, also that you had drank a few too many. T'is a shame that no one has really noticed it and myself feel a bit guilty that I never even knew until some one informed me.
Have fun with that small fortune just don't spend it on something you regret later on. Personally I would like to see you make an appearance more often despite this incident as in my 4 years I've seen many leave and one day it'll be my turn which is something I refuse to do.
Maybe it's a good thing to get off this for you.
Cheers. I'm not suicidal or anything crazy right now, I'm just bored out of my skull.